As experts in quality related service to the automotive industry, our trained staff assures that your concerns are handled in a professional, efficient and expeditious manner, anytime, anywhere in Morocco.
Focus Quality control is a point of contact for many foreing suppliers that have business in Morocco. Our objective is to support in any need you may have in this country.
The length of time that it takes to place a telephone call or to send an e-mail is the time necessary to insure that inspectors will be immediately dispatched to the location or locations where critical quality issues need to be solved for your company.

Our diagnostic tools

  • clé dynamométrique
  • multimeter
  • multimeter
  • digital caliper
  • clé dynamométrique
  • multimeter
  • clé dynamométrique
  • digital caliper

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What are our primary services we offer ?

Unlike any company in our industry, Focus Quality provides a wide array of quality management support services to facilitate the quality initiatives of our clients. Our services assist our clients achieve and maintain a high level of quality by enhancing their manufacturing organizations total quality management system :

Stopping the flow of nonconforming material through Sorting and Containment.

Identifying, isolating and resolving quality issues through Quality Engineering.

Delivering measurement analysis and assurance through Dimensional Inspection.

Empowering employees through Quality Principles Training .